Wednesday 22 December 2010

(Eval)How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

If we compare our marketing campaign with existing campaigns, it is clear that we have created an effective set of promotional tools that can be easily accessed by global audiences, drawing in audiences of older people as well as adults.

In our teaser trailer, the limited amount of information given about the movie itself creates a mystery, this means that it would draw the audience in, causing them to try and find out more about the movie through various sources such as the internet (website which is shown on the trailer), which is commonly used. This is an example of synergy (promoting a product through other sources).

The excitement created by this will spread through people and continue to spread creating an established audience when other tools i.e. posters and magazine are released. For example, the Dark Knight (Christopher Nolan 2008), since there was an audience from the beginning (from comics, books, cartoons etc), it had become easy to create a viral marketing campaign through the use of a bat symbols with little information on. The use of the Internet will be effective as it is easily accessible anywhere and as our target audience will have experience with technology this will create an effective national and global distribution.

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