Tuesday 14 December 2010

Film Trailer(Original)

When we had first finished editing the trailer on Final Cut Pro, we received some feedback on how to improve our trailer. 
  1. The main problem was the length of the trailer. We had to cut down unnecessary shots which had given away the story of the trailer. Having a lengthy trailer also meant that we wouldn't be able to create an anticipating audience for our actual film when it had come out, which is what trailers usually do. 
  2. Secondly, it was too chronological. Looking at different trailers, we noticed that the order was not chronological like ours had been. So, we in order to improve this, we took out shots which we felt did not need to be there. 
  3. Lastly one of the things that we needed to do was to add the essential details in e.g green screen, credits as this gives the audience some form of information about the trailer. This was the important bit since it would give our audience important information. We also added in voice-overs, to increase anticipation. 

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