Wednesday 22 December 2010

Ward 13

In this trailer, we had taken into account all the improvements made by our teachers. We had included voice-overs, production details, shorten down the length of the trailer and made it less chronological. 

However, there was still negative points which we could improve. One feedback that we received was that we needed to improve the sound of the trailer, since the quality of the sound had been low and you had to turn up the volume to hear the dialogue. Also, the last thing we needed to improve was the last shot where the certificate had been shown. This was because it hadn't been properly cropped. 

(Eval)How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

If we compare our marketing campaign with existing campaigns, it is clear that we have created an effective set of promotional tools that can be easily accessed by global audiences, drawing in audiences of older people as well as adults.

In our teaser trailer, the limited amount of information given about the movie itself creates a mystery, this means that it would draw the audience in, causing them to try and find out more about the movie through various sources such as the internet (website which is shown on the trailer), which is commonly used. This is an example of synergy (promoting a product through other sources).

The excitement created by this will spread through people and continue to spread creating an established audience when other tools i.e. posters and magazine are released. For example, the Dark Knight (Christopher Nolan 2008), since there was an audience from the beginning (from comics, books, cartoons etc), it had become easy to create a viral marketing campaign through the use of a bat symbols with little information on. The use of the Internet will be effective as it is easily accessible anywhere and as our target audience will have experience with technology this will create an effective national and global distribution.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

(Eval)How did you use media technologies in the construction and research and evaluation stages?

Overall, we had used a variety of media technologies during the production of the film trailer, poster and magazine cover. Without these technologies , it would have been impossible complete this task. We were able to have complete control over the technologies, allowing us to be as creative as we wanted to be. For example, the type of editing software we could use FinalCut Pro or iMovie.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Film Trailer(Original)

When we had first finished editing the trailer on Final Cut Pro, we received some feedback on how to improve our trailer. 
  1. The main problem was the length of the trailer. We had to cut down unnecessary shots which had given away the story of the trailer. Having a lengthy trailer also meant that we wouldn't be able to create an anticipating audience for our actual film when it had come out, which is what trailers usually do. 
  2. Secondly, it was too chronological. Looking at different trailers, we noticed that the order was not chronological like ours had been. So, we in order to improve this, we took out shots which we felt did not need to be there. 
  3. Lastly one of the things that we needed to do was to add the essential details in e.g green screen, credits as this gives the audience some form of information about the trailer. This was the important bit since it would give our audience important information. We also added in voice-overs, to increase anticipation. 

Monday 6 December 2010

(Eval)What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Once we had completed our trailer, it was important that we received audience feedback from as many different people as possible because it allows us to see how effective our marketing campaign is, how successful we are and to get a return in investment. We used popular well-known sites such as youtube and Facebook to get feedback. When we researched into our target audience ( 15+) we noticed that most of them had used social sites such as Youtube and Facebook, therefore made it easier for us to access our target audience.

On the 3rd December, we were fortunate enough to have Charlie Ware, a man who has been in the industry for about 30 years, give us feedback on our trailer. One of the main criticisms that we received was that we needed to improve the quality of our sound. There were times in our trailer where people found it hard to hear the dialogue. Another critic that we received was that we needed to add words.

In order to improve the magazine, I had posted it on a popular social site to get feedback. I posted it on Facebook and had received comments fairly quick. From the feedback given, it is clear that most people had liked the way it looked and that it would have made them want to watch the movie. This shows that the main aim for the magazine which was to promote the film and draw people in was successful. One of the main criticisms could be that I needed to get more audience feedback and to try and pick out the negative points about it in order to improve it.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

(Eval)In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of conventions of real media products?

Develop or challenge conventions
When we evaluated our trailer, we challenged the stereotypical characters through the use of iconography/mise-en scene. We carefully chose the characters along with the costumes they would wear, make-up and how they would act.
However, what we kept the same was the use of low key lightings and the bloody stuff to it which can be seen in the torture room and when he walks out of the hospital.