Thursday 28 October 2010


The main themes to our film trailer are torture and ghostly. Films that had helped us choose this kind of themes are Saw(torture) and the unborn(ghostly). We firstly chose Saw as it is a popular film which is aimed at people aged 18+, and the thing that had stuck out to us the most is how realistic they had managed to show torture and gore.


The unborn

Secondly, The Unborn is also another film that had inspired us to choose the ghostly film because we liked the way the film had managed to create tension and fear through the different ways e.g sound, dialogue, shots and mise en scene.
From our inspirations by the Unborn and Saw, we would firstly try and make it realistic as we can and secondly, we would try to use sound, shots and mise en scene to heighten our audiences anticipation and to create a tense atmosphere in our trailer.

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