Friday 22 October 2010

Film Title

The title 'Friday the 13th' is shown boldly with a sharp font, this is makes it easier to catch peoples attention. The font also suggests the time period, in this case, an old 20th Century feel. It is also written in red, so the title connotes danger and blood, so this gives the audience a little hint that there will be gore on 'Friday the 13th'.

This helped us decide our film title 'WARD 13' as we wanted to relate to something specific. The number 13 also seems to also be unlucky when relating it to the horror genre, so this would tell the audience the type of film being shown.

For the font of our title, we tried out different types of font to see which would look more suitable for our trailer. The important things that we tried to do was to make sure that it looked modern and kind of scientific but at the same time try and give off a horror feel to it.
Our research had a great influence on us, from Friday the 13th we had taken the idea of relating to a specific event but chose to do something based on a place.

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