Saturday 30 October 2010

Characters/Target Audience

In our trailer, there are 3 characters that will be shown:
  • Doctor Lemmings - David Ajala
  • Maya - Hannah Ajala
  • Donna - Emily

Our main reason for choosing these characters is that our USP(Unique Selling Point) within our trailer is that the main victim isn't a traditional white lead character which is shown through most films such as the orphan,

the orphanage or,

the strangers

Target Audience
The target audience for our new film is 15+, potentially for a national/global audience. In order for us to acheive this we managed to take the time out to do a questionnaire for 10 people aged 15+ both male and female. From this questionnaire, I hope to understand what people from my target audience expect, so that I am able to meet the requirements that they have.

Question 1

Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Hannah researched into our target audience who would preferably be aged 15-28. We obviously noticed that the characters in our trailer were older and more mature but yet, it wouldn't really be aimed at a lot of adults as it is rated certificate 15.

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