Wednesday 8 September 2010


Some people would say that image would be more important than font since having an image would create the atmosphere and would be more eye-catching. It also makes films look more interesting to making their audiences want to watch. For example:

From this poster, people would be more drawn to the image because of its unusualness rather than the font, where it seems to be less exciting unless accompanied with an image. You could also say that people are usually drawn into things visually and since images take up most of the portion of the poster it would be hard not to miss it. Images are necessary to posters as they link in with the actual story line or narrative, without it, it wouldn't make sense. Finally, images are very informative of the genre. For example, from the image below, the genre of the film would be historical.

However, you could also argue that fonts are more important than image because it helps create an atmosphere. The blurring effect on ‘one missed call’ gives a mysterious feeling, therefore drawing people to it.

Also, some people would argue that the main point for having fonts would be to anchor the meaning of the image. As shown below, we can suggest that the film has to something to do with spiders from the web coming out of his wrists and the design of his costume and also maybe something heroic, since he is high above the ground this suggests that he has a duty to protect the city. This is all anchored by the text in the poster 'spider-man'.

Overall, both the fonts and images are important as they rely on each other to capture people's attention and to raise their curiosity and anticipation. Both the font and image give out information whereas if it were to be presented separately it would not be eye-catching and interesting.

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