Wednesday 15 September 2010

Film Posters

The two main colours that are being presented in this poster are black, red and white. In my opinion, the colour black always relates to the horror genre. The white in the film poster, allows us to see the person and trap more, and it could also be that the person is in the spotlight, meaning that she is being watched. In addition, the character in the poster looks like she's in an empty room and looks completely helpless.

The main title 'Saw IV' is in red, this is also related to the horror genre. The title is placed in the middle of the poster making it more visible to the audience. The font of the title are in capitals making it look strong, therefore it is representing power and strength. The colour red also symbolises blood, so it informs the audience that the film will be bloody or gruesome. The title also tells us that the film can make people grip their seats as there have been previous saw movies.

The tagline 'its a trap' anchors the image's meaning that the person is trap. I can tell this because the chains on her feet are visible and the machine seems to be a trap. Lastly, the main character sitting on the machine is in danger, this is easy to say because of her clothes which are red and red symbolises danger or blood.

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