Friday 24 September 2010

Applying recognisable conventions of trailers

In order to play with the recognisable conventions of trailers, in groups, we came up with ideas about how to market and promote 'Bloodshed High'.

Before we started to storyboard, 'Bloodshed High' we identified the important aspects of trailers, such as soundtrack, actors and directors, production or what to include in shots . We discussed what a USP (Unique Selling Point) is and identified different selling points in films.

Me, Hannah Ajala and Samson Ruwangu came upon many decisions in how to promote 'Bloodshed High'. We started off with the plot of the film in order to help us with what the USP of the film should be. Our main Unique Selling Point are:
  • a British setting instead of a typical American set,
  • a male victim rather than a female.
Secondly, we decided that our target audience would be teenagers aged 15+ therefore we looked into ways were we could attract them. For instance, we chose to use something similar to Paramore (or a soundtrack in the rock genre) as our soundtrack since most of their audience were teenagers and released a soundtrack for the movie 'Twilight' which was popular movie for our target audience and for non-diagetic music, we chose a kind of an eerie sound to it.



Finally we decided on using Lionsgate as our production company because rather than going for companies such as twisted pictures we wanted to bring something new.

From this task, I learnt that:
  • trailers are the most effective ways of attracting audiences,
  • shows the best parts of the movie without giving too much away and,
  • audience expectations are the key.

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