Tuesday 23 November 2010


From all the plannings we had made in class from the action plan and the shooting schedule we were finally prepared to start shooting our trailer. We organised where we were shooting, when we were going to shoot, what we were shooting and what was included in the shots and who we were shooting.

The first bit of shooting was going to be the torture room. As it was the most accessible we thought it would be best to film it first in order to save time. We took in turns to film and while Hannah I took some photos for evidence.

The second part of filming was at Homerton Hospital, as Hannah was needed for this part I took on the role again as the camera person. In this scene, this is where the climax will begin to build up rapidly because of the quick shots used in this scene.

The final part of filming is the office scene. This is where Lemming finds outs that Maya has passed away. In this scene there is a bit of dialogue, however, whatever dialogue we do not need we will cut it during the editing process. Me and Hannah both took it in turns to shoot.

When filming, we decided to get a range of different shots. Some of the shots were also similar to the movie 'The Unborn'. We used the shots from the unborn and tried and made it our own, it was also good for comparison to see if we had created the same atmosphere.

Long shot

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